I'd never grown potatoes before this season, but I'm hooked on 'em now. I bought 5 pounds of Norland seed potatoes from Johnny's for $18.75, which is much more than I usually spend on anything associated with the garden. It was well worth it.
I dug a series of holes, each about 18 inches across and a foot deep, filled them halfway with compost, then buried a couple of the seed potatoes in each hole. My spacing was a little more crowded than suggested in the planting instructions, but 5 pounds of seed potatoes is a lot, and I only had so much space this year.
So, I've been hauling up a few little potato marbles along with the baseball-sized ones. I've already picked a larger spot for next year's planting, to allow for more spacing and more of the bigger fellows.
I've never eaten potatoes that have been dug just before being cooked. They're so smooth and flavorful, it's hard to believe that they haven't had tons of heavy cream and butter added. I've been cooking them whole, or cut into large pieces/thick slices, in a covered pan with just some olive oil and a few tablespoons of water, adding a touch of salt right at the end.
Here's a dish based on that method, with a few simple additions:
Fish and potatoes
Heat a heavy covered skillet over moderate heat with a couple tablespoons of olive oil. Add the unpeeled potatoes whole, or cut into large chunks/thick slices, along with a few tablespoons of water and several cloves of roughly chopped garlic. Cover, turn down the heat, and check the pan every 5 minutes or so - give it a shake and move the potatoes around so they lightly brown on all sides.
When the potatoes are tender, add as many roughly-chopped pitted olives (black, green, brine or oil cured) as you like, along with a similar amount of chopped fresh cherry or grape-style tomatoes. You may want to seed and peel larger tomatoes if you use them.
Finally, add a large fillet of fresh cod, haddock, or similarly mild fish, laying it on top of the potatoes. Cover and continue cooking for about 10 more minutes, or until the fish is done.
Spoon some of the oil/pan juices over the fish, sprinkle with a little chopped fresh parsley, and bring the pan to the table for presentation and serving. This dish goes well with some crusty bread, a light salad, your favorite white wine, and a beret.
I previously wrote about my most amazing chicken-killing adventure here, and a few days ago I received an email from a fellow eviscerator who also documented the event.
FitFool thoughtfully separated her photodocumentary into two parts. The bucket o' heads above, which will soon be rolled out by KFC as a follow-up to their infamous fried greasecake*, was taken from her more gory Part II.
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* The term fried greasecake dates back to the days of my after-school job as a clerk/deliveryboy at Oliver's Pharmacy, a small sole-proprietor retail drug shop sadly pushed aside by the big chains. One of the morning's highlights was when the beat cop came in for a break, and I'd run across the street to Rosebud's for coffee and danish. The 'danish' was just standard supermarket fare, fluffy dough embedded with imitation lemon curd and glazed with sugary icing. But the Rosebud's grillman put his own twist on the item by first slicing it horizontally, matching the icing surface to the former bottom, brushing the cut surfaces with melted butter, slapping it all on the flattop under a small weight, and giving each side a nice, crusty finish.
It was a 'grilled danish' on Rosebud's menu, but to us it was always a fried greasecake.
It was a great week to be away. We got a break from the hot, hot, hot weather, mostly because we had a place to jump in to cool off. Our little hidden gem of a spot consists of a small cabin perched at the edge of a salt marsh, just a short stroll from a private beach.
It's been consistently in the mid to upper 90's all week, with not even the hint of a speck of a cloud, let alone a drop of rain. The Little Woman and I have been sitting in front of several fans, and seeking out air conditioning in places we would never visit (shopping malls), with neither time or energy for much of anything else.
I took this photo from the top of a gentle slope leading to the back corner of the yard, where it's shady and damp. I don't do anything special to our grass, other than mow it - and I do that mainly to generate the clippings I like to use in the garden as mulch. Next year, I might try to make and use compost tea, as they now do on the various lawns at Harvard.
But for now, this is what the grass is like in most spots of the yard, save for that cool, shady, and well-watered corner.
I'd hesitated to grow lettuce before, because I figured rabbits or some other critters would hassle the plants and the whole thing just wouldn't be worth it. But I decided to give it a shot this year, in part because I haven't seen any rabbits around for quite a while.
I'm very glad I did.
This is one of the last two mature heads in the garden at the moment, though I've got some seedlings that'll be grown and ready to pick in a few weeks. I've also got some smaller seedlings that are about two weeks behind those, along with some arugula.
Crockett says to plant lettuce seedlings in the nursery bed about every ten days, to have a ready supply that can fill the gaps as the mature heads get picked, so I'm trying that approach. We do love our salads, the Little Woman and me. I also plan to build a hoop house over the salad bed later in the season, to see if I can extend the growing season for these crops further out into Autumn.
The Little Woman likes lots of different ingredients and bottled dressing in her salad, but I prefer a bowl based on nothing but leaves, dressed with a touch of really good olive oil and some of the kind of apple cider that's got sediment in the bottom. I like the brand that's got a picture of the lady wearing a funny hat on the label. This prejudice dates back to the only cooking course I took many years ago, where the instructor made clear, "I don't want to see any crunchies in these salads, just lots of leafy greens!"
I was also introduced to Molly Katzen's original Moosewood Cookbook at about the same time, and was taken by her simple dogma: use a wooden bowl, rub it with a clove of garlic, add freshly washed greens, then toss lightly with the serial addition of oil, vinegar, fresh herbs, and salt. I don't use the salt, because it makes the greens wilt quickly, though I sometimes like to lightly salt them once in my plate.
I've also taken to mixing up a separate salad composed entirely of crunchies, like diced radish, zucchini, blanched green beans, chopped nuts, onion, etc. This mixture is also dressed with oil and vinegar, but I also add a touch of equal parts salt and sugar, finely minced ginger, and other ingredients to make the whole thing a little more complicated.
That's how the Little Woman and I each get what we want, which is also the not-so-secret to 29 years of the endless series of compromises know as marriage. Her gift to me for our 25th was a beautiful wooden bowl for our salads, and a pair of hand-carved tiger maple wooden spoons for tossing.
I had my morning coffee while sitting among this year's crop of volunteer sunflowers. I think they're from the black oil seeds that we put out for the birds. The plants are tall, with lots of small flowers that bloom in sequence over the course of a couple weeks. The yellow finches are already attacking them, starting at the top and pulling off the petals as they drill into the developing seeds.
This Painted Lady came along just as I was leaving, and she hung around for quite a while while I got close and took several pictures.
Here's the view of a new planting area that I activated this year. I call it Cucurbit Corner because it's the site of four giant pumpkin plants and eight summer squash plants. Yeah, it's hard to tell them apart in this photo - the pumpkins are in the background/left, and four of the squash are in the foreground/right.
I started these from seeds that I got from Johnny's Selected Seeds in Maine. That's pretty much the only place where I buy seeds, and I like their stuff.
This is the third year I've grown giant pumpkins. My record so far is one that weighed 116 pounds, which is a far, far cry from the serious contenders that are fast approaching the one ton mark.
But then again, the people who grow them at this level strike me as being just a wee bit nuts. But I guess we need obsessives, because that's how records are broken, eh?
These giant pumpkins are useless for eating - they're all fibrous string and water inside. But they do make for an interesting conversation piece.
My personal goal is to hit 350 pounds with one, but I don't spend too much time or attention making that happen. I try to keep the plants fed every few weeks with a nice dose of my brother-in-law's awesome liquid fish plant food. And this new planting area has a lot of natural moisture, since pumpkins like to be well-watered (but not too much, else they grow too fast and split).
I also started just spraying against those freaking squash vine borers. I've seen the wasp recently, laying its eggs at the base of these plants. I use a botanical spray, not one based on petrochemicals. We'll see if that makes any difference. In the first year, when I grew the 116-pounder, that plant had a couple of infested vines but still managed to hang in. I grew last year's plants from saved seeds, and didn't get a pumpkin bigger than a beach ball.
They're actually pretty tasty when their harvested just as they start developing.
I'm hoping to the train the vines to grow out onto the grass, which is one of the reasons that I chose this area for them. They get very long and can overrun everything they encounter, which sucks when they encounter my tomato plants.
The yellow summer squash have started putting out fruit, and I'll try to keep picking them off while still small. I might even snag a few babies tomorrow, since there will be plenty more to follow.
There are also four plants of another variety of pumpkin, this one more suitable for eating, growing in the spot where I stood to take this picture. It's called Baby Pam, and the flesh is smooth and sweet and perfect for pies.
Senator George McGovern on the late Senator Robert Byrd:
It was Senator Byrd's capacity for growth, wisdom and judgment that won my admiration. There's no sin for anybody in public life to make a mistake. It's how you learn from them that's important.
Yesterday, I spent about 6 hours pulling warm guts from chickens. All I needed was a strong stomach and a sharp knife. I volunteered to help process the late June chicken harvest for Pete and Jen's Backyard Birds, and joined about a dozen other like-minded folks working under the watchful eye of Pete and Jen.
It was kinda fun.
The term 'process' is really a euphemism for several steps. When the free-range/pastured chickens that Pete and Jen raise are ready for harvest, they're rustled into crates for an overnight fast. They're then placed, one at a time, head-down into a large funnel-shaped cone with a small opening at the bottom. Each inverted chicken is then stunned with an electric jolt, followed by a large slit to the throat.
There are six funnels in the setup we used, kind of like a barbershop with six chair (no waiting!).
It takes several minutes for the chicken's blood to be completely drained, at which point up to three chickens are placed in a large rectangular vat of scalding hot water. A rotating paddle alternately submerses the chickens under the scalding water, then lifts them above it.
Another person who operates a large mechanical plucker decides when the chickens have been adequately scalded, removes them from the scalder, and drops them into what looks like the inner workings of a washing machine lined with short, stubby rubber fingers. When this device is activated, it tosses the limp dead chickens all around, which somehow also removes pretty much all of their feathers.
He turns the machine off after a few minutes on the 'heavy dirt' cycle, then uses a pair of large specialty shears to remove the feet and heads. The feet go into one bucket - they're subsequently further cleaned and processed to be sold separately. I've been told that they make excellent stock (lots of collagen yields a rich broth).
I don't know what happens to the heads. I don't want to know. Hot dogs?
The headless, feetless, bloodless, featherless, and lifeless chickens are now plopped into a tub of cool water, which is also where me and my fellow volunteer eviscerators come in.
Eviscerating a chicken is a great way to learn about its anatomy. Jen graciously demonstrated the following evisceration technique, which I followed meticulously:
Grab a wet chicken from the cooling tub, and lay it breast side down on the impeccably clean stainless steel work surface, with the long neck pointing towards you and slightly to the right (for right-handed eviscerators). Using the tip of an unforgivingly sharp knife, cut through the skin of the chicken's surprisingly long neck. Try to do this in a single smooth cut, and don't cut any deeper than the skin. Hold the chicken's body steady with your left hand.
Put the knife down in a safe place for a moment, sit the chicken upright, then use your right hand to grip the end of the cut neck skin flap and pull it down, as through removing a glove or stripping the skin off a chicken neck. It should come easily with a single steady pull, so that you now looking at a bony naked neck sticking up from what you'd recognize as a whole chicken at the market.
Lay the chicken down again, grab that knife, and cut through the skinless neck. Don't whack at it wildly - that's how to get hurt. Instead, make a deep cut while applying firm and steady pressure to get through the small bones. It may help to bend the neck a bit. Toss the chicken neck into the iced bucket marked 'Necks.'
Now look for two flesh-colored tubes attached to the loose flap of neck skin, and tug them away from the skin. One of the tubes broadens out and forms the crop at the bottom of the chicken's right side of the neck skin (the left side as it faces you), also firmly attached to the skin. It should be empty, because the chicken hasn't eaten in a while. Work this away from the skin entirely, too. This is an important step, because you'll soon be pulling out the entire alimentary canal from the other end. If you don't separate things up here, you'll have a hell of a time later.
Now line up the chicken on its back, with the feet toward you and slightly to the right. Get a good pinch of stomach skin in the unprotected area below the breast. Cut into the skin below where you are pinching, and across the chicken's belly. Don't cut too deeply, to avoid nicking any of the internal organs.
With the chicken still on its back, legs towards you, look for the butt hole, also called the vent. It looks sorta like this: *
Work a few fingers of your left hand through the cut you just made, down into the chicken's insides. The the goal now is to find and pinch off the section of large intestine where it ends at the vent, using the ends of you index and middle (or middle and ring) fingers. It's important to find and hold this section of the intestines to avoid cutting into it.
Once you've found it, use your knife to cut from the earlier crosswise incision downwards, staying to the right of the vent. When you've reached that point, curve the cut around the vent (kind of like completing the letter 'J'). You're almost home.
Now take the knife, keeping hold of the large intestine/vent with the fingers of your left hand, and turn the 'J' into a 'U.' I always worked down from the other side of the cross cut.
If everything worked out as it was supposed to, your left hand is now holding the last section of the large intestine with an attached butt hole surrounded by some skin. You can let go of it.
Now reach into the chicken's abdomen as far as you can, and grab the whole works. Pull it out onto the table to admire God's handiwork, which you have knowingly undone.
The gizzard is a big, tough, ugly baseball-sized thing. Cut it away from the intestines, and toss it in the iced bucket labeled, 'Gizzards.' Someone else will deal with this in greater detail, along with all of those little feet from before.
Look around in the pile of guts to find the heart. If you don't see it, reach into the chicken and feel around again. When you find it, toss it into the bucket marked, 'Hearts.'
Now look for the liver - again, an obvious organ for anyone who's ever cooked a turkey or chicken, or who's explored the little wax paper bag found in most whole chickens at the market. The difference here is that the small gall bladder/bile sac is still attached to this one, and you've got to ease it off gently. Be careful not to puncture or spill the bile - it's fluorescent green and stains everything it comes into contact with. I didn't nick or spill a single one, but the guy next to me did couple of times. You could easily make a bunch of Grateful Dead t-shirts with the stuff.
The rest of the guts go into the gut bucket, which McDonald's uses for its tasty Chicken McNuggets (kidding!).
We're almost done. The only step left is to reach into the chicken one last time to scrape out the lungs, which adhere to shallow depressions on either side of the backbone. They're very spongy, so forget about getting them out intact. Just scrape with your finger tips. Yes, just like that.
Now do it one more time.
Finally, grab a hose and rinse the chicken well, inside and out. Bring it over to another big covered tub filled with ice and water, where it will cool off some more.
There were 320 chickens, and ten of us eviscerating. I probably managed to average about four chickens per hour, but nobody kept track of anything except the total number of chickens that still needed to be gutted.
We kept up a friendly banter for the first couple of hours, mixing philosophical comments about what we were doing with sick jokes and encouragement. But at some point, the talk quieted and we just kept at it until the last chicken was put into the final ice bath.
Then it was time for lunch. I ate heartily (turkey club roll-up with avacado slices), then made my way home for a long, hot shower and a nap. I was exhausted. Pete and Jen had enough work left to keep them busy for the rest of the day, and probably into the evening.
I didn't take any pictures, and I'm sure you can figure out why. Here's a nice short video of a pretty horse I saw there instead:
This clematis is flowering very actively right now, while the other's blossoms (I lost the tag, and don't know the variety) have already gone by. Both were from White Flower Farm in Connecticut. I don't get our plants there - too pricey - but someone once gave the Little Woman and me a couple of gift certificates, and these were among the items we picked up.
Now, Crockett said the clematis varieties that bloom on second year vines can't be grown here in New England, because the winters are too cold. These have been in the ground for 5 years, IIRC, and the flowers grow on new and prior-year vines.
I picked up a couple of 4-inch pots of bee balm last year at Verrill Farm, where I also get my tomato seedlings. The bee balm did well, and attracted butterflies and hummingbirds. I haven't seen the hummingbirds yet this year, but the bee balm has come back to at least 3-times its original density. I think I'll divide it up next year, and move it to a new location where the soil is more consistently moist.
Anyway, this photo was taken at high noon. The initial color was kind of washed out, so I doodled it a bit.
I was hanging out on the evolving patio yesterday with Little Woman and Old Man when #1 Son pulled into the driveway. He often stops by in the time between work and band practice, and this time he brought along six cold bottles of an Americanized version of Mexican Budweiser.
That brand would never be my own first choice, but since he was buying...
In return for the effort, we sent a frozen pizza (cooked) his way.